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まだ中学生だった2009年の夏に奄美大島での皆既日食の際に行われた野外シークレットパーティー『SUNNY』においてダンスミュージックに目覚め、そのまま沖縄のミュージックタウン古座にあるbar 『b.p.m』にてヴァイナルレコードでのDJでキャリアをスタート。その後、メキシコへ留学。自らパーティーをオーガナイズしつつ、独自のボーダレスでグラマラスなグルーヴを身につけていく。2014年にはバリ島で最大規模のクラブ『Pyramid』でDJ MAYURI、同年9月にはスペイン本土の『Menina』にてMar-T(amnesia)、イビサ島の『Lips Beach Club』でDJ NANO、Nightmares On Waxといったビッグネームと共演を重ね、2015年の夏にはイビサ島で最も有名なレストランクラブ『KM5』でゲスト出演を果たし大きな反響をよんだ。一方国内でも全国各地に活躍の場を広げ、名古屋『X-HALL』の5周年にもゲスト出演の他、FEDDE LE GRAND, MARK KNIGHTらをヘッドライナーに開催されたXTREAM MUSIC FES 2015にも出演。まさに新世代をリードするDJにふさわしい活躍を魅せている。今でしか聴くことのできない彼の『音』を是非体感してほしい。
Born 1993. KiTE is the youngest resident DJ for the international party “SUNNY,” which connects Japan, Ibiza, and other global party destinations. His glamorous groove is edgy and always full of new potential.
Dance Music touched KiTE's life in his early teens at the SUNNY secret party on the isle of Amami on 2009, which was held on a day of solar eclipse. He began his career soon afterwards at a bar called “b.p.m.” in Koza, Okinawa, with vinyls. He then went to Mexico to continue his education, all the while organizing his own parties and horning his senses.
In 2014, he played at “Pyramid," the largest club in Bali, with Japanese trance legend DJ MAYURI, and played at “Menina” in Madrid with MarT of Amnesia. Also on the same Summer, played at “Lips Ibiza Beach” on Ibiza with DJ NANO and Nightmares On Wax. In 2015, he played at “KM5,” the biggest restaurant club on Ibiza. On the other hand, KiTE continues his prowess in Japan also, as he played as the guest DJ in the 5th Anniversary of the “X-HALL” in Nagoya, and for XTREAM MUSIC FES 2015, which was headlined by big names such as FEDDE LE GRAND, and MARK KNIGHT. He is truly fit to lead the new generation of the DJs. Experience KiTE’s rapidly progressing groove first hand!