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DRUNKEN KONG (Tronic / Session Trax)
DRUNKEN KONGは、D.SinghとDJ KYOKOが新しいtechno musicを作ろうと結成したプロジェクト。
2人はDRUNKEN KONGとして、2011年にAgehaでデビューし、以来、渋谷のWOMB、代官山Airの他、地方や海外などで数々のLiveをこなす。
2015年には、Loose RecordsからScouting Vol. 2でオリジナルトラック『Never Done That』をリリース、更に、!Organism からはEP”Hpnotize”を、Unity Recordsからは、コンピレーションを、Christian SmithのレーベルのTronicからもEPとコンピレーションをリリース。特にTronicからのEP “To The Piece”は、Adam BeyerのDrumcode radioで使用され、Dosem, Uto Karem ,2000 and oneなどのアーティストもplayし、Beatportのテクノチャートでも2位を獲得、反響を呼んでいる。
日本では、Plus recordsや、WombのSession Traxからも多数リリース。
そして、2015年の夏にはヨーロッパツアーを成功させ、日本でもDRUNKEN KONG presents “INTENTION”をWOMBで開催。レジデントパーティーとして成功を納めている。
2014年にはWaveform Recordings とRaw LoopsからSample packをリリースし、Beatport Soundsで“Aggressive Techno” と“Afterhours Tech-house”で top 10 に入り反響を呼んだ。
Top techno artists の Mauro Picotto, Pig&Dan,Speedy J, Gabriel Ananda, Gary Beck D-Nox & Beckers, Guy J, Axel Karakasis、 D-Unityなどとも共演。更にアジアツアーも予定している。
D.Singhは日本とインドのハーフで、アメリカのL.A.でオーディオエンジニアの勉強をし、2008年に日本に帰国。以来アップテンポのトラックを作り始め2009年にはNONCITIZENとしてアーティストデビュー、Beatfreak Recordingsから楽曲をリリースする。
DJ KYOKOは1995年にレゲーDJとしてデビューし、そこからテクノ、プログレッシブ、ハウス、トランスとジャンルを移行。そして2003年のスイスのストリートパレードでは日本人女性DJ初のplayをし、そこから中国、韓国、イスラエル、アメリカなどのワールドツアーも開始、成功を収める。
DJ、エンジニアの経験を十分に備えた二人が、今ここに集結し、進化する音を追求するこのDRUNKEN KONGを、是非一度堪能していただきたい。
DRUNKEN KONG (Tronic / Session Trax)
DRUNKEN KONG is the project of D. Singh and DJ Kyoko. In 2010, the two started their project when one day, they suddenly decided to make a track together. Since then DRUNKEN KONG focuses on experimenting with different styles of techno. Both members, coming from different musical backgrounds, have put their minds and energy in creating uplifting music. They have released on major labels such as Christian Smith`s Tronic, Naples based Loose Records, Swiss based !Organism, Canada based Unity Records and Beat Therapy Records. The duo have also been active with domestic labels as well, releasing an EP from Shin Nishimura`s Plus Records and various tracks and remixes from Session WOMB.
Their “To The Piece” EP from TRONIC hit No. 2 on Beatport Top Techno EP Sales Chart in September 2015, and has gained a lot of attention/support from international top artists and DJs such as Adam Beyer, Christian Smith, 2000 and one, Uto Karem, Filterheadz, Dosem, Wehba Wally Lopez, Hollen, just to name a few. “To The Piece” was also played on the famous Drumcode Radio Episdoe 264 mixed by Adam Beyer, Tronic Radio Episode 163 mixed by Christian Smith, Agile Recording Podcast Episode 107 mixed by Filterheadz and DJ Mag session by Wally Lopez in September.

The two have also been featured in well-known podcasts such as TRONIC RADIO and ALLEANZA RADIO SHOW.
Since the first gig, at the end of 2011, DRUNKEN KONG have been constantly active in the Tokyo techno scene, playing regularly at major Tokyo clubs such as WOMB, Ageha, and Air. From then on, they have also been expanding their gigs to other regions of Japan and Asia. The two have also played alongside internationally top techno artists such as Sven Vath, Pig & Dan, Darren Emerson, Gary Beck, Guy J, Stephan Bodzin, D-Unity, Mauro Picotto, Speedy J, Gabriel Ananda, Minilogue, D-Nox and Beckers, Axel Karakasis, and more.
The two have also started their own resident party “INTENTION” at WOMB, inviting artists such as Nathan Barato, Arjun Vagale and Jewel-Kid to Tokyo. DRUNKEN KONG have also successfully toured around Europe in the summer of 2015, playing in different cities of Portugal, Spain and France, attracting new fans with their unique sound and groove.
The two have also created and released two sample packs aimed more for the production side from Waveform Recordings and Raw Loops. Their “Aggressive Techno” and “Afterhours Tech-house” sample pack hit the top 10 techno sample pack on Beatport Sounds.
While constantly loving and being inspired by the music, DRUNKEN KONG continues to expand their possibilities while maintaining their quality work. With their powerful DJ styles and charisma, the two are able to constantly amuse the audience and keep the dance floor going while expanding their ideas and skills to the next level.