80年代後期4年間をイギリスで過ごし、現在のクラブミュージックシーンに重大な影響を与えた一大ムーブメント、セカンド・サマー・オブ・ラブを実体験。帰国後、 91年よりDJ活動を開始と同時にパーティオーガナイズも手掛け、92年からトランスシーンの草分け「ODYSSEY」を始め、96年には伊豆山中で3日間のレイブを開催し1000人を動員。その後はリキッドルーム等で数々の人気パーティ、イベントを手掛ける。
プロダクションサイドでは、『RED SCORPION』名義でのリリース他、ファンク・デ・ボイドのリミックス、QHEYのアルバム「ELECTRIC EYE ON ME」等に曲を提供。Mayuri& Salmon 名義でDogmatic Records よりCountercurrent EP をリリース。
During 4 years of her stay in London in the late 80’s, she was heavily influenced musically by Acid House movement, the second summer of love. Upon returning to Japan in 1991 she started her dj carrer and started organizing underground parties in and around Tokyo.
Rapidly gaining notoriety for her dj skills and diverse sets she found herself being invited to play in clubs all the way across Japan. Establishing a name for herself on the back of this success, she took her dj carreer worldwide, traveling across the globe and playing in the major cities of Asia, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
She has a residency at Reboot, one of the respected, the longest run Techno party in Japan which celebrated its 16th anniversary this year. She is also a resident at Fiercesounds, which is co-operated by the team from Tokyo and London.
She has released 2 vinyls under “Red Scorpion”, and “Counter current EP” by Mayuri and Salmon. 4 Mix CDs, remix work for Funk de Void, contribute a track for “Electric Eye On Me” by Qhey.
She is also known as a promoter for Metamorphose festival which started in 2000. It is one of the biggest and most influential all night festivals in Japan which gather more than 20,000 audience every year.
She is involved in management and resident DJ of the club “Pyramid” in Bali and currently living in the island.